Italy’s historic responsibility, di S. Collignon
Italy is part of Europe. It has always been. Today, it risks destroying it unless a fundamental change occurs in Italian political life.
Italy is part of Europe. It has always been. Today, it risks destroying it unless a fundamental change occurs in Italian political life.
The moment of truth has come. The Euro crisis has shown the limits of austerity, nation states, and the dictates of undemocratic institutions.
The financial crisis risks destroying half a century of European integration. It is primarily a political and not an economic crisis and only a different political solution can solve it.
sul Rapporto "Lo sviluppo dell'industria verde italiana come volano della crescita: possibilità, prospettive, politiche"
A spectre is haunting Europe: right wing chauvinist populism. The tendency has been developing for years, but it is getting worse.
Is Germany a normal country? For years, historians have debated whether Germany’s development has followed a political, economic, and social ‘Sonderweg’.
Guido Westerwelle has resigned as chairman of the German Liberal Party (FDP) and Deputy Chancellor, but he stays on as Foreign Minister.
The idea of Eurobonds, or Union Bonds, is slowly making progress. It could be a way out of the debt crisis.
Steven Hill recently asked in a column for Social Europe Journal ‘Why is Europe Losing the Public Relations Battle to China?’ He claims that today there is a G-2 media hype which casts America as the existing superpower and China as the up-and-coming superpower.